On the right mycli, on the left MySQL CLIĪt last, I’ve got rid of the unstable beast which is MySQL Workbench! You can save your favorite queries in mycli’s config file via a handy snippet system.It sounds silly but it’s really a pain to me with MySQL CLI. You don’t need to end each query with (semicolon).This feature alone led me to praise mycli till the end of time. mycli provide a smart auto completion.Mycli has a lot of useful features the good old MySQL CLI doesn’t have. Let’s understand each other: mycli is not perfect, but it’s still better than anything I tried so far. Then, in the corner of the Internet, where all hope were gone, I saw the Light. I tried the one shipped with MySQL of course, but I found it too limited. How fool I was! When former colleagues showed me the path to Vim and ultimately to the benediction of a full terminal oriented system, it became clear I wanted to use a powerful CLI for MySQL. I was lost in the GUI world, I was searching something with button to click and pop up to close. I was searching something similar but simpler and more reliable. The software was slow and buggy, the auto completion was working totally randomly. I wasn’t satisfied, almost like everybody. I was using MySQL Workbench, like everybody. Where was the happy ending?Īs Perceval wanted to find the Holy Grail, I wanted to find a good interface for MySQL. I was feeling like a knight fighting the same dragon again and again, and the dragon was always winning. This quest led me to do innumerable Google searches, trying new tools to finally give up each time. Commands end with or \g., updated Twitter #Tools #Mouseless MySQL Command Line Tool: Unleash the Power of mycli Newly created data directory /usr/local/var/mysql/ is unusable. T01:02:48.457929Z 0 Newly created data directory /usr/local/var/mysql/ is unusable. T01:02:48.457920Z 0 -initialize specified but the data directory has files in it.

I failed to notice the following errors during reinstallation: Two hours of browsing StackOverflow later, I figured it out. So I do the logical step of uninstalling and reinstalling: I would get the following error:ĮRROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Pretty easy, but then as I worked along I screwed something up where I could not load mysql in the command line. I was trying to install MySQL on MacOS and I followed the instructions to install it via Homebrew: